Gospel Parallels
Any Bible student who studies the Gospels
knows how valuable a cross reference can be. Gospel Parallels
goes beyond a typical cross reference. By displaying the four books of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John side by side, you can find any matching
parallel passages in any of these books at the press of one key!
Features include: 1) chronological index,
2) table of parallel passages (handy for printing), 3) word search, 4)
cut/paste text to internal full screen editor for printing or saving to
disk, 3) Choice of King James, Revised Standard or New International
launched, the program will look similar to the screen snapshot
below. The animated slideshow below highlights some of the
features of the program.
others are saying about Gospel Parallels: |
"The program presents a nice way to look up and view
Gospel parallels. It is a fascinating study..." (Andrew J.)
"Thanks for the great software!!!
This program has saved me personally many hours of crowed tables of books
and papers all over. Time is a valued commodity to me. I recommend this
program to any who want a great help to study the Bible." (Leo M.)
"I'm currently in seminary and I've
discovered that this has been a highly valuable tool in my New Testament
class." (Christopher R.)
"This little program
although probably the oldest Bible Software that I still actually use, is
still very useful to me. [T]he programmer needs to be complimented...
It has held up to the test of time." (James C.)
Hardware and software requirements: |
Gospel Parallels requires a PC
running Microsoft Windows.

Download an evaluation copy of this
program: |
To download an evaluation copy of the
Gospel Parallels software program that you can use on your own PC computer, click on the
"Download now" link below:
