Downloading Files
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I download a file?   Unzipping files.  Tips on downloading

When you try to download a file using Microsoft's Internet Explorer, you are frequently prompted with a window (such as the one below) asking you what you would like to do with the file you are attempting to download...

However, if you are NOT using a Microsoft browser, but are instead using Netscape Navigator or Communicator, then the window above will not appear.  Instead, the following window may appear...

I need help downloading ZIP files

If this window does appears, then simply choose / click the "Save File..." button.  If for some reason this window does not appear, and you do want it to appear in the future, then click here.

Next, click on the new Download folder that you created minutes earlier. The UNZIP32-201.EXE will then be downloaded (copied) to your C:\Download folder. 

downloading tips, tips on how to download files

Once the download process has completed, simply use Windows Explorer or My Computer to go to the Download folder, and double click on the UNZIP32-201.EXE file.  This will launch the UNZIP32-201.EXE program.  The rest will be self-explanatory.

That's it. You should now be enjoying your new download.

How do I download a file?   Unzipping files.  Tips on downloading

If you have additional questions regarding downloading, click here for additional downloading tips and tricks.

Looking for a good source of "try before you buy" software to download?  Then click here!


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